Monday 14 November 2011

B2B Mobile Marketing Tips

We at Mobile Media Savvy believe that the B2B businesses can benefit from mobile marketing as much as the B2C businesses this is because of the fact that all business professionals are attached to one item when they are working and that is their mobile phone.

The way in which B2B businesses can use the products and services of mobile marketing are much the same as the principles of the B2C market.

SMS's can be used to inform your customers of up and coming subscription renewal dates such as in the insurance industry.

QR codes would be useful to blur the line between online and offline marketing if your current marketing campaign consists of offline material such as flyers or brochures.

Social media can be used to integrate with your current traditional marketing campaigns as well as attract people to follow or like you once they are in possession of a mobile marketing piece of material.

Mobile websites can help in the B2B market as if you are meeting someone they could be doing some last minute research on your business and if it's optimised for a mobile phone then your business looks very professional and with the times.

Video & Podcasts are another great tool of mobile marketing in that you can voice your opinions and expertise in front of your clients and potential clients can find out about you aswell as know that your business has a real face behind it.

This is only the tip of the iceberg and the opportunities for mobile marketing in the B2B market are endless

Get in touch with us at Mobile Media Savvy if you would like to know more


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